Every War Of The Worlds Adaptation: Ranked Worst To Best

9. The Reworked One

War of the Worlds The True Story
Pendragon Pictures

Despite making something truly terrible with The Classic War Of The Worlds, Timothy Hines remained both a dedicated fan of Wells's novel and determined to bring it to life. This led to his second crack at the material with 2012's War Of The Worlds: The True Story.

The True Story takes inspiration from the use of newscasts in the classic Orson Welles radio adaptation to retell The War Of The Worlds in a faux-documentary style. Taking footage from his already released long and tedious adaptation, Hines cut it together with documentary-style talking head recollections, stock footage, and archival stills and images to make out like this was a record of real past events.

The True Story improves vastly on Hines's previous effort and the documentary conceit is creative and engaging, while its 105 minute runtime is a blessed relief compared to its predecessor. Unfortunately, the reliance on the earlier film's footage means that The True Story does also inherit its poorly staged action, cheap-looking effects and melodramatic performances.


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