Everyone's Watching The WATCHMEN Trailer!!

Matt here... apologies I was suppose to post this as it went live last night (or early morning in the U.K.) but I just got caught up watching HANCOCK on Blu-Ray, I was trying to do the P.R. guys a favour and get it reviewed before it hits stands on Monday. Still a rubbish film. Gorgeous 1080p a good movie does not make. So big thanks to Ray who got this posted for me... what a trailer guys. This is WATCHMEN.

The third long trailer for Zack Snyder's WATCHMEN debuted tonight. Brilliantly edited like the previous ones, this new trailer gives us extended moments that display the film's rich palette, gorgeous colors, and striking visuals. Although largely filmed on greenscreen, this film looks to change the rules established by early pioneer greenscreen films like SIN CITY and 300. While WATCHMEN obviously has some whiz-bang visual moments like those previous films, Snyder is apparently trying to create an all-encompassing world that more closely mimics our own. The trailer is fabulous. Check out the version below, or head over to Yahoo for the high definition version.


All you need to know is that I love movies and baseball. I write about both on a temporary medium known as the Internet. Twitter: @rayderousse or @unfilteredlens1 Go St. Louis Cardinals! www.stlcardinalbaseball.com