EXCLUSIVE: PSYCHO KILLER, qu'est-ce que c'est?

Not a Talking Heads biopic, but a new movie from the writer of SE7EN.

Joe Eszterhas€ Shane Black€ Charlie Kaufman. All three started out as €œpure€ screenwriters (by that I mean they wrote without producing/directing, though Black and Kaufman have now both moved behind the camera) and another was Andrew Kevin Walker. Walker was hot stuff after SE7EN but, THE WOLF MAN aside, he seems to have been pretty quiet in recent years. In fact, he's so low-key I couldn€™t find a pic of him and had to plump for a one that tenuously links to my dreadful headline! And if you don€™t know who that guy pictured is go and get Jonathan Demme€™s STOP MAKING SENSE. Barely a week ago, Walker€™s new spec script hit Hollywood. Titled PSYCHO KILLER, it could quite possibly be the most dark and disturbing movie yet from the warped mind that brought us Gwyneth Paltrow€™s severed head in a box. A source of mine spilled the details on Walker€™s script and if it gets made it won€™t be for the squeamish. The script has a parental advisory logo and notifies the reader that it should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. It deals with a insane killer who bludgeons his victims to death with a sledgehammer. Here€™s an interesting little clip from the text:-

€œ'We' will mostly be shot from behind, or from the neck down, because our FACE WILL NEVER BE FULLY REVEALED. 'We' are PSYCHO KILLER.€
This is extremely daring on Walker€™s part. The movie€™s protagonist is going to be a serial killer - imagine if we saw SE7EN entirely from Kevin Spacey€™s character€™s point of view. I can see this being an extremely difficult watch but gripping nonetheless. And what about the ending? Walker€™s trademark is the shock ending, the sucker punch that yanks the rug from under the audience€™s feet€ surely they€™ll be something special in store for the audience in PSYCHO KILLER€™s third act.


Will Reynolds hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.