Fantastic Beasts 2 Trailer Reactions: 8 Ups & 3 Downs

3. Very Little Johnny Depp (And he Looks Better)

Fantastic Beasts The Crimes Of Grindelwald Grindelwald
Warner Bros.

No matter how secretly enthusiastic you might be to see Johnny Depp play Grindelwald properly (especially after his brilliant turn in Murder On The Orient Express), Warner Bros have faced something of a backlash for casting him after his well-publicised personal life controversies. It has quickly got to the point where fans have called for him to be replaced, though that's clearly not happening.

In that respect, it's been a smart decision to limit how much he's in this first trailer, even with his name above the door. Pushing him too hard would have been fuel to the fire and that's the last thing they want.

And mercifully, Depp actually looks a lot better this time out as the villain than he did last time. He looked a little ridiculous as the Peaker Blinders style wizard in the first movie and this more shaggy look is a lot more Wizarding World appropriate.


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