Fantastic Beasts: 28 Easter Eggs & References You Must See

15. Occamy Eggs

Fantastic Beasts Easter Eggs Header
Warner Bros.

One of the first Fantastic Beasts we meet in the film is the Occamy, a magical beast that hatches from silver eggs and can grow to fill any available space. It's one of those eggs that Newt Scamander accidentally leaves in Kowalski's care at the bank, drawing him into the story.

This isn't the first time Occamy eggs have been involved in the canon: they're mentioned in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, and on Pottermore, JK Rowling revealed that Gilderoy Lockhart once aspired to release a line of hair products thanks to his luxurious hair. One of the ingredients in that special shampoo was Occamy egg yolk. The monster.


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