Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them Teaser Trailer Breakdown: 29 Things You Need To See

5. The Muggle Police Discover Magic

Fantastic Beasts 54.jpg
Warner Bros. Pictures

Just in case you thought this No-Maj war stuff would be isolated incidents that could be waved away, here's a shot of a some police seeing something very big and definitely unavoidable. The camera dollys in and their gaze only gets higher, meaning it's probably one of Newt's creatures, on the loose in New York.

Although if that's the case, that leaves a major question over how the film will explain away magical beasts in New York City without it affecting the rest of the world - Harry Potter did a solid job of keeping the wizarding wars out of the muggle world.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.