Fantastic Four New Trailer Breakdown: 25 Things You Need To See

10. (And Explosion Proof)

This new Fantastic Four trailer saves the best for last, with a post-title sting that is probably the best sales pitch for this film so far. It's funny and warm, with the characters joking with each other; it's also visually striking and totally badass, as The Thing is jettisoned out of what looks like a stealth bomber over some sort of military facility €“ perhaps that same one they escaped from, maybe not. Either way, seeing Jamie Bell's character being dropped from several thousand feet up in the air, minus a parachute, is a thrill. Visually and conceptually it's similar to shots in one of the recent Transformers films (where Optimus Prime leaps from a plane and the camera spirals down after him), and that one bit of Godzilla with the HALO jump. Except this one ends with Ben Grimm destroying a Hummer with his kinetic energy, standing undisturbed as the smoke clears. It's really damn cool and easily the defining image of this trailer.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at