Fantastic Four New Trailer Breakdown: 25 Things You Need To See

25. €œYou Gave Us Nothing€

The Fantastic Four's origin story tends to vary. Originally, Reed Richards was simply an independently wealthy scientist who could fund his own ill-fated space voyage. In the Ultimate Fantastic Four reboot, which this film is drawing upon, it's a government initiative that facilitates the failed experiment that results in their powers. Here it looks like the private sector is behind the whole shebang, with Reg E Cathey's Dr Franklin Storm being told by a board of directors that in six years he has given them €œnothing€. You can't blame them for being a little €“ are they the stand in for the fans clamouring for trailers and pics for months?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at