Fast & Furious 8: 15 Things We Already Know For Certain

6. Helen Mirren Only Has A Cameo

Fast 8 Charlize Theron Vin Diesel

Helen Mirren lobbied aggressively for a part in a Fast and Furious movie, and Fast 8 is set to deliver with her having a cameo appearance in a currently unspecified role.

The only clues to go on so far are that her character appears to have an interaction with Dom here, and Mirren herself recently stated, "I had always had a secret hankering to do Fast and Furious, because I love driving cars. Of course, when I finally got my chance, I wasn't driving the bloody car. I was in the back of an ambulance with Jason Statham."

This has led many to speculate Mirren may be playing the Shaw family patriarch, which frankly sounds like a perfect set-up for her to play a larger villain role in Fast 9, considering the likelihood that Deckard will actually be killed off this time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.