Fast & Furious 8: 23 WTF Moments In The Fate Of The Furious

8. The Zombie Car Sequence

Fast and furious 8 falling cars
Universal Pictures

Sometimes action sequences are so stunningly choreographed and so delightfully impactful that they leave your jaw hanging on the floor.

None do this better in Fate Of The Furious than the ridiculous, brilliant zombie car sequence, in which Cipher's team of nameless geeks hijack around 1000 cars with auto-drive technology (a massively inflated, silly number, but it works for the set-piece) and gets them to chase the Russian minister's limo to destroy the motorcade and trap him, so Dom can retrieve his nuclear codes.

Still, there's still a logic problem with it. At one point the limo security guard comes out of his roof hatch with the mounted machine gun to shoot the cars, they dodge the bullets as if they're being driven by soft smushy humans who are susceptible to bullets. It makes no sense for auto-driven cars to act that way.


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