Fast & Furious 8: 23 WTF Moments In The Fate Of The Furious

23. Where's The Title?

Fate Of The Furious
Universal Pictures

Whatever you think of the naming conventions in this franchise (here's a hint, you should be enraged and saddened at their lack of uniformity), at least the films commit to their titles, right?

Except, they don't - as the title card plays at the start of Fate Of The Furious, it reads Fast & Furious 8. There is literally no sign of the new name, which would be fine if it was a sub-title, but it's not. It's the same as Fast Five and Furious 7: it should be there on the title page.

Sure, it's trivial, but if I'm being forced to call something an inferior, confusing name (which makes no sense because it's not the end of the franchise), the film should have the decency to commit too.


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