Fast & Furious 8: 23 WTF Moments In The Fate Of The Furious

2. Roman's Russian Lesson

Fast And Furious Roman Pearce
Universal Pictures

The two funniest bits of the entire film go to Roman Pearce, who has very much taken the comedy relief role and ran with it lately. He's pretty much a liability in battle sequences, he's no use from an advisory point of view and he's no leader, but he's always ready with a quip and some sharp wit.

During the climactic submarine sequence, he ends up in the submarine bridge looking for the targeting chip with Scott Eastwood's Little Nobody (a fairly reasonable new addition to the team), which leads to a genuinely side-splitting moment when he attempts to read a Russian sign out.

His mangled pronunciation comes out of absolutely nobody, and it's almost tear-inducing - and played perfectly straight because he's just a bit of an idiot. For something like this series to be that successful with a gag is very much a shock.

Extra WTF points for the bit that sees him surfing on his car door after his Lamborghini (which he apparently thought would drive on ice planes) sinks. Remarkably, he doesn't seem fazed by being dunked in sub-zero water either, which is nice for him.


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