What Your Favourite Marvel Movie Says About You

5. The Avengers (2012)

The Movie: After all the pieces had been assembled, The Avengers finally arrived in cinemas to unprecedented ticket sales, becoming the most popular superhero movie of all time. For real. Comic book fans everywhere literally exploded in joy as Joss Whedon brought all their nerdy fantasies to life and casual audiences couldn't get enough of the hi-octane superheroics and beautiful people dressed up in spandex. It's a win-win situation, one which paid off for Marvel and confirmed that their gamble on building a shared universe could succeed beyond even their wildest projections. It was like Aliens VS. Predator, but you know... not a pile of crap. What It Says About You: You enjoyed all the previous Marvel movies to a point, but only because you felt you should, telling yourself that you're lucky to even see your favorite heroes on the big screen in the first place. They were just a warm-up for the main event though and as soon as you saw The Avengers, you immediately went back to the cinema the following day again... and again... and possibly again. You patiently listen while people moan about how the Hulk learned to control his rage at the end before calmly giving your own explanation. You worship at the temple of Whedon, even sitting through average episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the off-chance that the Avengers will be mentioned in some way. The release of the first trailer for the sequel Avengers: Age of Ultron did something to you that's hard to explain. Never before have you re-watched a promo frame by frame when you should really be concentrating on other things like eating and taking care of loved ones... Oh and you love schawarma now. Soundbite: "Hawkeye? Don't you worry about him. He'll get his time." Favorite Movies: Ocean's Eleven (2001) and... errr... every superhero movie ever made?
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David is a primary school teacher who tries his best to turn every math lesson into a discussion on the latest Pixar film. Passions include superheroes, zombies and Studio Ghibli. In between going to the cinema, moving to South Korea and eating his body weight in KFC, David writes for a number of movie sites, http://becarefulyourhand.blogspot.co.uk/