Fifty Shades of Grey: 10 Steamy Scenes That Prove Mila Kunis Is Perfect For Anastasia Steele

7. American Psycho - Patrick's Dark Sex

American Psycho 2 The only scene on this list that indirectly might have some effect on Kunis' suitability for the role - and it's all about a missed opportunity. As Kunis herself has admitted, American Psycho 2 was horrendous - it went straight to DVD, despite featuring a young Kunis and the acting heavy-weight that is William Shatner, and was roudly ridiculed and despised for taking everything good from American Psycho and tossing it out the window. And in a move that some will find even more unforgivable, it completely ignored the hyper-charged sexual elements of the original - which were an embodiment of Patrick Bateman's raw energy and his deeply entrenched narcissism (as well as his chauvinism and sado-massochism of course) - despite having someone of Kunis' beauty and appeal at their disposal. Kunis should have been a man eater in American Psycho 2, more like something out of Species of Cruel Intentions than something out of a deranged Election clone, and it has to go down in the history of Hollywood mistakes that they didn't make her more like Bateman. Kunis knows she has to atone for these sins, and what better a way than to bring Anastasia to the screen, and wholly embracing the sexual elements of the source?

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.