Fifty Shades of Grey Film: 10 Reasons It Will Be Huge

10. People Are Obsessed With Sex

Since time began, sex has sparked colossal interest. Whether it be in the medium of film, literature of music. Sexual content has always generated interest. It's a natural instinct and something all of us are familiar with. Fifty Shades of Grey exhibits sex in a very explicit way, a way that makes most of us cringe and blush, and somehow it became the fastest-selling paperback book since Harry Potter. Fifty Shades taps into that sex instinct in all of us and arouses our imagination with intrigue. The public will come and see the film in their ludicrous numbers regardless of the quality of the product, in much the same way Sex and the City became one of the most popular TV shows ever aired. Sex is a powerful selling tool, and when famous faces are put to Christian and Anastasia, both men and women are going to be queuing at midnight for a look at the steamy action.

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