Fight Club Film Theory: Tyler Durden Isn't The Only Character Who Doesn't Exist

1. The Final Shot Says It All

Fight Club Ending

The final shot of the film sees Jack and Marla looking out into the city as Project Mayhem's plan is flawlessly executed, with the credit card buildings all detonating and collapsing around them.

It's such a stirring image that it's easy for fans to miss a theory-supporting visual clue hidden in plain sight: Jack and Marla look almost identical.

As they hold hands, a trouser-less Jack wears a jacket that, in the scene's low lighting, looks almost exactly like the skirt/fur coat combo Marla is wearing. The only major tell of who is who is their different hair styles.

But it's a telling image: with Tyler dead, Marla appears to have won, and the symbolism of the two wearing the same clothes while holding hands seems to point to their three-way conflict now resolved as a two-party partnership.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.