Film Theory: Collateral Is A Grand Theft Auto Movie

4. The Characters Are Basically Ripped From GTA

Collateral Tom Cruise Jamie Foxx.jpg
Paramount Pictures

"Millions of galaxies of hundreds of millions of stars and a speck on one in a blink. That's us. Lost in space. The cop, you, me, who notices?"

Collateral has a colourful and diverse cast of characters throughout, the overwhelming majority of whom feel like perfect candidates for a role in a GTA game.

For starters, Vincent is a freaking hitman and his grey suit is extremely similarly to the one worn by GTA V's Michael.

As for Max, though he might seem a little too honest to be a GTA protagonist at first glance, he's firmly swept up in the American Dream with a desire to start a luxury limousine business, which doesn't feel a million miles away from the go-getter attitudes of GTA IV's Niko or GTA V's Franklin.

Max drives a taxi to make ends meet while dreaming of a better life, which has been one of the most common protagonist through-lines across the GTA series. That Max becomes an accessory to Vincent's crimes only makes him feel that much more like a GTA "hero."

Elsewhere we have a cameo from Jason Statham as a British gangster who crosses paths with Vincent at the start of the movie - a GTA archetype if we've ever seen it - while the jazz musician Vincent assassinates could easily be a mark from a GTA mission, and Mexican cartel drug lord Felix is a dead ringer for a typical GTA antagonist.

Vincent and Max's dialogues with the latter two characters in particular evoke the slickly hard-boiled pulpiness of GTA's deliciously entertaining banter, and create a convincing case that it isn't just Collateral's game-y story that vibes perfectly with Rockstar's franchise - it's the heroes and villains within it, too.

But there's one other character worth considering in Collateral - and it's in the movie more than anyone else...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.