Film Theory: Gandalf Always Planned To Use The Eagles In Lord Of The Rings

1. Gandalf The White

Lord Of The Rings Gandalf
New Line Cinema

Of course, despite what it may look like, Gandalf ain't dead yet. Well, the wizard we knew is gone, but he's reborn as Gandalf the White. While he returns more powerful than ever before, though, the revival isn't perfect, and he's missing huge chunks of his memory. Hell, he even struggles to recall his own name before someone else points it out to him.

Consequently, it makes sense that his secret plan with the eagles is also one of the victims of this temporary amnesia. It's not until Frodo and Sam are about to be engulfed by Mount Doom that he ever needs to think about them, and it's argued that it's only at this point where he remembers he had coordinated with them before. Which is a nightmare, as it could have saved everyone loads of time beforehand.

This theory does rely on a lot happening off-screen and Gandalf being the only one knowing about it, which is pretty convenient when it comes to needing evidence, but it certainly would make Gandalf the Grey's final, famous utterance even more special.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3