Film Theory: Why Joker Is All A Lie

4. The Bullets

Joker's Gun
Warner Bros.

Going back to the scenes showing Arthur killing the three "yuppies" on the train. There's a huge inconsistency with the scene that might actually suggest that what we're seeing isn't a real account of what happened. Even if he DID kill them, it probably didn't go down just as he said it did.

The gun he's using is an everyday revolver - to be specific, a Colt Detective Special .38 revolver, which holds six bullets - however, he shoots more times than the gun would allow without reloading. He shoots the first assailant once, the second twice and the third five times in total. That's eight bullets coming out of a 6 shot gun and while you might say that it's just a mistake on the film-makers' part, it's clearly a nod to Arthur's tenuous grasp on reality.

Or at the very least, you're supposed to question it and it's not the only time.


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