First 5 mins of AVP-R

ALIENS VS. PREDATOR - REQUIEM is a movie that I'm pretty apathetic towards. The idea of pitting these two franchise monsters against each other is great. It's a shame the first film was so poorly executed. I don't know about you but my expectations for this are at rock bottom... which might be a good thing. The ALIEN franchise has always been a favourite of mine, primarily because Fox hired amazing directors to just cut loose and do whatever they wanted within that world. Those movies frequently had style and verve, something that is lacking in the corporate, factory-line franchises we get now. I would love for them to do another solo ALIEN film. Unfortunately I don't think that's on the cards. Anyway, here's the first 5 minutes of AVP-R. It looks a lot better than the first, I'll give it that. And I have more faith in The Brothers Strause (who have made precisely zero feature films) than Paul WS Anderson (whose films are either average, bad, or downright awful).

Will Reynolds hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.