I guess it's down to Fox's insanely tight production-to-release schedule as the reason why we haven't yet seen any official promotional stills, teaser posters, clips or trailers for two of their major summer blockbusters of this year; X-Men: First Class and Rise of the Apes. Both films, shot last summer, open in June - that's just six months away (although in the U.K. we aren't getting Apes till August) and Fox obviously don't feel like they know enough about either prequels/franchise reboots to have a marketing strategy figured out yet. So subsequently, both films exist right now in a period of confused limbo in our minds. We never particularly asked for either prequel/franchise reboot and in a post-Star Wars prequels era, we know how bad they COULD be - but with the talent on board for both, we can't help but be intrigued, right? At least X-Men star January Jones, who plays super-bitch Emma Frost in the new movie, has had her gag removed briefly and has been allowed to talk to The L.A. Times... (though still no official photo's, the below stills are leaked set pics)... She doesn't reveal a great deal in the mostly fluff interview piece except the revelation that her transformation into the diamond form will be completely CGI. That will probably only mean something to fans of the comic and I understand that the rest of the world needs more to go on. I'm all for mystery in my forthcoming tentpoles but at least give us something, Fox. A teaser poster with the X-Men logo slapped on the front would do? Now's the time to show us you have something that can compete with DC's Green Lantern and Marvel's Thor and Captain America, your two main comic book rivals of 2011. And in regards to how both those films are shaping up, it's hard to imagine your early trailers functioning any worse! So stop being shy or scared of pulling back the curtain and get us excited...

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.