Friday The 13th: The 9 Men Behind The Mask

2. Ken Kirzinger - Freddy Vs. Jason (2003)

image-19 Before director Ronny Yu asked Kirzinger to take over as Jason for 2003€™s clash of the titans Freddy Vs. Jason, Kirzinger already had ties with Friday the 13th having played a cook in Jason Takes Manhattan, a film he also worked as a stunt co-ordinator on. He may look like The Rock€™s Dad but Ken Kirzinger has had a pretty solid career, not only as a stunt man but also as an actor. Kirzinger€™s stunt work began in the early 80€™s and by the mid-eighties he€™d secured several, albeit small, acting roles. His work has not just been limited to genre films, having appeared in comedies such as Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls and the awesome Hot Rod. He recently played one of the mutant cannibals in the DTV sequel Wrong Turn 2: Dead End. In terms of stunt work, Kirzinger has worked on everything from Happy Gilmore to the X-Men sequels. And while Kane Hodder has often expressed his resentment at not being offered the hockey mask for a fifth time, taking a couple of jabs at Kirzinger in the process, the two maintain a friendly relationship on the convention circuit.

You can't put me in a box.