Game Of Thrones Season 7: 15 Best Internet Reactions To Dragonstone

14. Holy Sh*t, ICE GIANTS!!!

Get hype, the Night's King has big frosty giants in his army. Sh*t is about to go down. Like the Wall for instance.

They caused quite the stir...

But wait, was that Wun-Wun? The IMDB cast list certainly suggests it might have been, since one of the giants was played by Ian Whyte (who played Wun-Wun so memorably), but he's not actually named...

Then again, why would they call him Wun-Wun when he's now dead?

Whatever the case, it confused a lot of fans, who seem to have accepted that it was Wun-Wun, and thus that he had somehow been magically teleported to the Night's King's company despite dying at Winterfell.

It's probably not him guys, stop being giant racists.


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