Game Over, Man! Review: 5 Ups & 5 Downs
5. The Gags Are Totally Hit & Miss

Game Over, Man! is probably best described as a scattershot comedy, because as intermittently funny as it can be, the overall hit-rate of the gags is about 50-50, and a lot of the jokes just don't work. At all.
Though Netflix has a famously hands-off approach with their content creators, this - and the recent disappointment of Duncan Jones' sci-fi dud Mute - indicates that's not always for the best.
Looking at the end product here, there's no doubt that director Kyle Newacheck and writer Anders Holm had all the creative freedom they needed to make whatever they wanted.
However, because there was clearly no firm hand steering the ship, the final film will have you laughing hysterically one moment, and groaning the next (especially thanks to some incredibly low-effort gay jokes).