Geek out: TRANSFORMERS 2 trailer with STAR TREK

May 8th 2009 will truly be a day to geek out. Paramount at a preview press day in London have revealed that the trailer for TRANSFORMERS 2: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN will be attached to prints of STAR TREKnext year, two films on anyone's geek radar.

But what about the STAR TREK trailer I hear you say, something we are yet to see in itself? Well the word is that's coming in November. And according to someone at AICN who has seen it, the trailer goes something like this..
We saw the teaser trailer and then we saw what looked to be a very very early version of the full trailer €“ It showed more footage of Quito as Spock, much more Chris Pine and also some John Cho and Simon Pegg footage. The film looks like immense fun and there seems to be a lot of action in it. There look of the crew and the bridge is spot on and the costumes look like the original but with a more modern and practical twist. We got to see Spock talking to his parent as well and Kirk being told to take more responsibility. There were also a lot of montage scenes involves spaceship battles, gun fights and hand to hand combat. I especially like a short clip where we see the crew running through the corridors of the Enterprise €“ reminded me of next generation loads.
A long time to wait then for the TRANSFORMERS 2 trailer considering the movie itself is out just a month and a bit later on June 26th. A late but BIG marketing campaign then for one of next year's biggest films.

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.