Gene Roddenberry's Original Pitch For Star Trek 2 Will Blow Your Mind

Across The Multiverse

Star Trek Roddenberry

Let’s create a parallel reality in which this lost film was actually produced to discuss its full creative potential and financial impact on the Star Trek universe.

We begin with the #FinishThePitch challenge. You are invited to finish what Roddenberry started. All story details leading up to this section are historically documented and cannot be changed. However, details can be added to complete the story. Here’s an example of a #FinishThePitch challenge story. The Enterprise visits the dystopian Earth, travels back in time, and is shot down by a Klingon battlecruiser forcing the ship’s crash landing into Canada. As documented in the pitch, Kennedy cancels his visit to Dallas to investigate the crash thus avoiding assassination. A new timeline forms. Kennedy is re-elected but he rapidly loses funding for the space race. In the original timeline, Kennedy’s tragic death galvanized Americans to land on the moon since it was the late president’s challenge. In this new timeline, Americans grow impatient with the space race and decide to drop out.

This change in the timeline allows for the Soviets to land on the Moon, causing a chain reaction that culminates in a nuclear war that devastated humanity resulting in the dystopian wasteland featured at the start of the story.

Using the ending in which Kennedy must die, the Enterprise travels back in time and apprehends the Klingon vessel before it can contaminate the timeline. Kennedy goes to Dallas as planned and is assassinated. The timeline is preserved and Spock is reunited with his resurrected parents in the Twenty-Third Century.


Aloha and NuqneH (the Klingon equivalent of "hello"), As a professional public historian, it is my job to get the non-academic public involved in the process of historical interpretation. In the Pop Culture universe, my specialty is uncovering abandoned Star Trek TV projects and postulating how their presence would have affected the Trek universe --both creatively and financially-- if they were actually produced. As I am also an inner-city high school teacher, I am a member of the Teachers Talking Trek Network so feel free to follow me on Twitter @TrekTeachers. Mahalo Nui Loa (deepest thanks in "Hawaiian") and Live Long and Prosper!