Ghostbusters: 21 WTF Moments In The Female Remake

7. The Villain's Idiotic Plan

Sony Pictures

Think back to the way Rowan's plan develops, and try and explain why Rowan kills himself when he's discovered by the Ghostbusters. The film seems to suggest it's all part of his masterplan so he can take control of Kevin and open the rift. That misses the point that the rift was already ready to be open and could have been by Rowan while he was still alive, which he should have done to ensure it got opened before he killed himself to become a ghost.

It's a stupid, contrived complexity that just doesn't make any sense, and relies on him being able to possess someone who he DOESN'T EVEN KNOW EXISTS, sneak past cops or overpower them and then turn the machine on.

There is literally no suggestion anywhere in the entire play - even when the Ghostbusters realise that Rowan's suicide was intentionally part of his plan - that explains why he did it. At no stage does he learn from his ghostly friends that dying will allow him to become so powerful that he will be able to possess the living.

And for all he knows (because we're not privy to the information either), there's absolutely no guarantee that everyone even turns into a ghost when they die. The immediate assumption that he would re-manifest as a class 7 entity - i.e. one on a par with Gozer who could influence subordinates and control them - is just utterly ludicrous. He absolutely could not account for that, so his stupid convoluted plan is based on a massive flaw he didn't even need to account for.

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