Ghostbusters Trailer Breakdown: 25 Things You Need To See

15. The Origins Of The New Ecto-1

Patty also brings the Ghostbusters' signature car with her, although perhaps not in the way you'd expect; the prototype for this version is an actual hearse. There's obviously something to be mined there regarding ghosts and coffins, although what this seems to be ostensibly is a nod to the design of the original; that hearse/Cadillac exchange encapsulates it all perfectly.
There is some suggestion that the car was actually a big part of Patty getting accepted onto the team - her excitement with presenting it to the team, along with Abby's dismissive "You didn't disclose the vehicle was going to be a hearse" certainly alludes to her having to bargain her way in. Or (and this was a last minute thought) are they trying to emulate the original Ghostbusters, hence her making a big point about the make?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.