Godzilla 2: 10 Things The Sequel Must Do

7. Darker Tone

Godzilla has fluctuated between destroyer and protector many times throughout his career. In this aspect the reboot nailed his character, making him a sort of hybrid of the two. The story of this first film had him as an apathetic protector of sorts; a mysterious spirit of nature here to clean up our mess. The film ends with him as our hero; the survivors cheering for his victory as he returns to the ocean. For many Godzilla fans, it was a pleasant surprise to see our favorite monster as the hero again. But now it's time to really return to his roots. It's time to see Godzilla turn against humanity and become our destroyer. It is an interesting dynamic this new series has set up because usually Godzilla starts out as the bad guy before softening up and becoming our savior. Having the reverse set up is a really intriguing premise that would be a new and compelling direction for the franchise. This first film didn't have Godzilla go out of his way to destroy anything; if anything he went out of his way to not destroy. The result is that Godzilla wasn't able to go on a rampage; an act he is known around the world for. If this new series is to become the definitive Godzilla series for international audiences, he has got to destroy some cities and fight the military. Such a dark turn for the character would be an intriguing premise for the sequel, setting up a mystery for the human characters to solve. If Godzilla is an agent of nature meant to restore balance, than what is he achieving by attacking us? Throw in some other monsters, and that sounds like a solid plot for a second film. Speaking of which...

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.