Godzilla 2: 10 Things The Sequel Must Do

4. Keep It Grounded

You're probably thinking that my call to embrace the mythology of the Godzilla series means that they should just go crazy and have all kinds of insane plots, but that couldn't be further from the truth. This new series must also remember to keep it grounded. One of the most amazing aspects of this new Godzilla is how it combines various elements of all incarnations of Godzilla while keeping it feeling real. The premise is ridiculous, but the way Gareth Edwards presents it makes it feel believable. What this proves is that presentation is key. Some may think alien invasions and giant robots are too weird or unbelievable for the tone Edwards established, but that thinking is rubbish. Even the most outlandish concept can feel believable, it just depends on the presentation. All an audience needs is a half-decent explanation for something and they will buy into it. So while the sequel, and any following it, should incorporate the elements of classic Godzilla lore, they must be portrayed in a realistic and believable way. Yes, Mechagodzilla can be realistically done, we just need a good reason for it. Remember those old Godzilla bones in the Philippines? They've practically set themselves up for that one. Basically, Legendary needs to stay true to the essentials of Godzilla while updating it and making it more believable for a modern day audience. Studios have been doing this to superheroes for a decade; now it's Godzilla's turn. They also must not forget to...

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.