Godzilla 2: 10 Ways To Make Sure The Sequel Is Better Than The Original
8. The Devil You Know
When most people saw the initial scenes from Godzilla and saw an insectoid appendage emerging from something, one would assume that they either blocked it out mentally or at best assumed it was one of Godzilla's stranger rivals. Otherwise, why would a Godzilla film introduce a brand new monster that would only serve to confuse audiences? Gareth Edwards and Co. seemingly didn't consider this confusion when they introduced the oddly named Mutos. While they weren't necessarily bad-looking beasts, given that the film was clearly meant to be in the vein of the Vs. movies it would have made sense to actually see one of Godzilla's classic villains. Even casual fans recognise Godzilla's past arch nemesis King Ghidorah, a triple-headed space creature that starred in eight films prior. Even Battra - Mothra's evil counterpart - could have been sufficient as an insectoid stand-in for the Mutos. The next film could compensate by using one of these guys as an antagonist. Ghidorah would fit the best, since he's often considered the strongest beast to face Godzilla. He'd be a greater threat than the Mutos, since Ghidorah actually intends to kill people during his raids on the Earth. Rather than just running into him at inconvenient times, Ghidorah forces Godzilla to be an active protagonist. Not to mention it opens up the realm of space monsters, which could lead to other space villains and possibly even Space Godzilla!
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