Godzilla 2: 10 Ways To Make Sure The Sequel Is Better Than The Original
6. Godzilla On The Ropes
When most non-gamers play Street Fighter, they tend to pick Ryu. When most Americans have to choose a fast food restaurant, they choose McDonalds. When people go to a film with freaking Godzilla in the title, they place their bets on freaking Godzilla. It's hard to beat a guy with God in his name. Due to this, it's necessary that the Godzilla sequel should at least suspend our disbelief of Godzilla's superiority long enough for us to be concerned. The first Godzilla film portrayed every battle before the climax as inconclusive; we see him confront the Mutos but we can't see who has the upper hand. While I assume the goal was to save the "real" battle for the ending, this tactic didn't so much build tension as it just stretched out the inevitable. We KNEW Godzilla was going to win, but at least they could have made it look difficult. In the upcoming film, this could be alleviated simply: have his first encounter with the antagonist be a failure. What better way to create tension for an audience than to show the titanic Godzilla get defeated by a stronger opponent? The first film establishes Godzilla's ability to innovate in combat, so this would illustrate how the monster learns from his failures and comes back stronger.
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