Godzilla: 9 Ways It Will Surprise You

1. You'll Still Love It Regardless

Because come on, it's GODZILLA. The monster with the coolest name this side of...well, there's nothing else that even comes close. In the end despite the movie's myriad of flaws along the way, none of them will be on your mind throughout the final fight scene, and providing you can wait until you get out the screen to start ruminating on any number of incredibly bland exchanges between Taylor-Johnson and Elzabeth Olsen, it actually all comes together very well. Which in turn is the most surprising thing about it. You'll openly laugh at the likes of a soldier shouting "Hit the deck!" to hide from a towering monster... only to shine his light right in its eye and subsequently freak out when he thinks his radio is causing too much of a distraction, and you'll spend a good few minutes in genuine shock at just how much momentum was built up by Brian Cranston only for it to be utterly dashed and half-transferred to Johnson, who then carries it through the film like a procedural "let's get from A to B" rather than anything remotely enigmatic. 2014's Godzilla easily trounces the 1998 version even when it's not trying to be a Godzilla movie, and for those times when it is - well, it's the monster-mash you've been waiting for. What did you guys think of the new version? Perhaps you're one of those crazy devils who doesn't care about spoilers, in which case - are you still going to see it? Did you see Cranston's death coming, and were ANY of you actually happy when the cutaway from that first titanic battle happened? Let us know in the comments!
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