Gotham City Sirens Movie: Everything You Need To Know

3. Megan Fox Is Rumoured For Poison Ivy...

Gotham City Sirens Movie

Shortly after Gotham City Sirens was announced, Bleeding Cool posted a rumour: Megan Fox, they reckon, is circling the role of Poison Ivy. They had reasons to back it up, too. Apparently, Fox is a long-time comic book fan, which is why she previously signed on for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Jonah Hex and Robot Chicken (in which she voices Lois Lane) and that the website had "been shown hard evidence that [Fox] has ordered pre-52 Harley Quinn comics that feature Poison Ivy, sent to her Warner Studios address."

Nobody at Warners responded to the rumour, though, so it remains just that for the time being.

There's no denying that Fox looks the part. And she's even played evil characters before, giving one of her best performances in the murderous lead role in Jennifer's Body. Red hair and green clothes is all she needs at this point.


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.