Gravity: 10 Out Of This World Things You Might Have Missed
If you are yet to see Gravity you're clearly totally impervious to hype. A film that already had the internet on tenterhooks for months in excitement to see what Alfonso best Harry Potter and Children Of Men maestro Cuarón could do in the eternal playground of space, its been met with damn near universal acclaim on release (some pernickety science types aside). Finally released in the UK last week, its fair to say the fanfare is now less about how accomplished a technical feat it is, and more how serious an Oscar contender the film will be. With Sandra Bullock carrying much of the film on her CGI assisted shoulders and Emmanuel Lubezkis cinematrography getting cinephiles into the betting shops, theres endless chat to be had about this accomplished (if ever so slightly overrated) space drama. In amongst all the awards hoping and exploration of its themes, Gravity also brings with it a vast wealth of trivia, some of which, in the latest of my long running series on hidden easter eggs and little known facts, I'll highlight today. It may not have many after credit scenes as Thor: The Dark World (although it does have something), but there's plenty to discover here. So plonk your feet firmly on the ground, brace yourself for dizzying spoilers and experience ten things you may not have noticed in Gravity.