In a year where Hollywood all but released a memorable film that would leave its mark, 2013 has been back and forth. The action genre has thus far seen a collection of one-two hitters that will undoubtedly start franchises of their own (or with Iron Man 3, the continuation into Age of Ultron). The horror genre had its fine choices, and the needless ones in between all but shot down careers. But the independent genre really didn't have a chance to stand out this year, with no notable release to back it up.......that is until Gravity was released. Let's get right down to the nitty-gritty: Gravity is freaking amazing. Hands down one of the best films of the year and one of the most finely crafted films of this generation, Gravity is
the independent film to go see this year. Directed by the ever-so gifted Alfonso Cuaron, and acted by only Sandra Bullock and George Clooney (with Ed Harris doing the voice of Mission Control), Gravity propels you into space unlike any thriller before it. Despite the troubles it had making it to the big screen (originally in development at Universal Studios, then handed to Warner Bros with a budget of $80 million, and suffering 4 years of on-off activity), the ultimate destination is one worth taking, especially in 3D. As much as it hurts to narrow down the list to 5 distinct elements (for in fact, I believe the film is damn near perfect), the ability to praise this film is enough to say "Yes, any one of these certain elements will sell you on the film." However, with a film like Gravity, where everything is cleansed and polished to the highest degree, there's always that one nagging element that doesn't necessarily pull you out of the experience, it just mildly sours it. I'm being as optimistic as I possibly can by saying there is barely anything at all that holds Gravity back from being a perfect film, but one distinguishable element (or in this case, major nitpick) needs to be discussed. Let it be know there are
SERIOUSLY MAJOR spoilers ahead that must not be read for those who have not seen the film yet. They are hazardous to your potential enjoyment of the film. Now, let's get things started at #5....