Great Scott! Christopher Lloyd Wants Another Back To The Future Sequel
But thankfully not a reboot...
"I would love to do Doc again, no question. It's tough to come up with an idea that contains the excitement of the original three. So it would be a real challenge for the writers to come up with an original Back to the Future story that has the same passion and intensity and excitement as the other three. But it could be done, you never know."Is he just being playful? Maybe we're about to get one of those glorious announcements on Oct 21st that gives fans what they've wanted for years? He does seem to know that Michael J Fox would still be interested, despite his health:
"I think regardless of the Parkinson's, he'd probably jump on the role and he'd be great. I can't see doing another sequel without him. I would certainly want Bob Zemeckis directing it, Bob Gale writing it and the other principals being involved."He's less enthused about the possibility of a reboot: "It's hard to replace Marty. Michael J. Fox was so wonderful in the role." So are you, Mr Lloyd. So are you. Meanwhile, even if there's no announcement of something new this year, the universe is seemingly celebrating the film's importance in its own way, by edging the Chicago Cubs towards the World Series;
"I didn't even remember about the Cubs until someone brought it up a few days ago. Maybe it'll happen. We'll see. They got to get there first."Would you watch a fourth Back To The Future film with the original cast? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.