Greatest Movie Scenes #61 - D.O.A.

Rudolph Mate's classic 1950's film noir doesn't waste any time in getting to the movie's plot. It arrives on arrival...

D.O.A, the quintessential film noir has a great opening scene which doesn't waste time with character development or any unnecessary fat. This opening is almost something out of a much more modern day movie, a two line concept if you will but it's excellently executed here and it's far from just a gimmick. The film opens with a great tracking shot of Edmund O'Brien as we follow his frantic movements into the police chief's office and his great revelation which kick-starts a movie that for it's time quite literally never slows down. D.O.A. is a superb movie and it's been in the public domain for quite some time so you can easily and quite accessibly watch it online for free. It's well worth getting your hands on...

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Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.