GREEN HORNET begins principal photography, Tom Wilkinson & more join cast!
The Green Hornet hasn't affected the start date for filming, as principal photography has begun this week on the Columbia Pictures adaptation of the old 60's crime fighting superhero show. Thankfully for those already getting out the knives from the drawer and giving this movie a premature death, the delay was only to give the guys a longer time on post, to make sure that by the time it rolls out in December 2010, the movie looks like a billion dollars. Rogen last week told Hitfix that he and co-writer Evan Goldberg were delighted when Columbia agreed to the delay...
"We're both relieved and psyched about the change. It gives more time for post, which would have been immensely rushed if we were to come out in the summer. It also affords us more time to promote the film, (now we can go to Comic-Con with more than a car!) and ultimately is a great vote of confidence from the studio. We got the same date that movies like 'I Am Legend' and 'Avatar' are getting, so we're thrilled to be there."With casting nearing completion, I thought it was time to look a the main players of the Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine, The Science of Sleep) directed movie as a few of the supporting players were signed up this week. A full look at the cast is after the jump...

Seth Rogen has slimmed down drastically to play his first action hero lead, Britt Reid, akaThe Green Hornet.
30 year old Taiwanese mega star Jay Chou will fill the shoes of Bruce Lee as the iconic sidekick Kato.
Cameron Diaz plays the love interest Lenore Case who unlike the part in the t.v. series, will reportedly be an amateur detective, who is unaware that Brett Reid is The Green Hornet.
Nicolas Cage is in talks to play the villain, who is expected to be some kind of gangster type.
And then these three guys in unknown roles...
Edward James Olmos from Battlestar Galactica
The great Tom Wilkinson, in his first superhero film since Batman Begins.
Revolutionary Road's David Harbour.