Guardians Of The Galaxy: 5 Reasons To Be Excited

1. Variety of Characters

guardians of the galaxy While The Avengers introduced the teaming of several heroes with different backgrounds, Guardians Of The Galaxy takes that concept into different territory with the various kinds of characters that comprise the Guardians of the Galaxy. Guardians Of The Galaxy does not have your usual kind of superheroes fighting for justice. Each of the members are different kinds of beings that vary from a raccoon to a last living member of a species. The differences that make up the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy do not make them less effective as a team. The characteristics that separate them from one another make them more productive as a unit. Guardians Of The Galaxy has the potential to be a remarkable movie that combines many different film elements. There are plenty of features that can attract curiosity among audiences members who are not readers of comic books but like comic book films. Guardians Of The Galaxy has more than enough qualities that work to the film's advantage in addition to the movie's tie-in with phase two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and that it will be the last film in that continuity before the sequel to The Avengers. What do you think of the 5 reasons to be excited about Guardians Of The Galaxy? Let us know in your comments!

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