Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2: 12 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

11. Character Development Is Mostly Excellent

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Gamora Star-Lord
Marvel Studios
"The film’s greatest strength is the respect and genuine interest it has for its ensemble. Gunn loves his pack of weirdos, and for the sequel, he dives a bit deeper into the mess of emotional and psychological scars define them, carefully making space for each character to grow over the course of a very crowded film." - Collider
"The first film gave great banter, but repeat watching revealed a certain hollowness under the shiny façade. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 corrects that by digging deeper into the emotions and painful pasts of its characters, and literally none of the large main cast goes without a substantial arc." - Digital Spy
"It’s a true masterclass in storytelling, and Gunn’s screenplay is tantamount to this, particularly impressive in how we understand and care for this myriad of characters – not always an easy task where ensemble features of this nature are concerned. Every single role...[is] so brilliantly well-rounded, each with their own respective character arc, nuanced and multi-layered." - HeyUGuys

Even with the chemistry taking a hit, the individual character mini-arcs have been met with acclaim, particularly in terms of giving the likes of Gamora and Nebula more to do, not to mention Star-Lord getting to sit down with daddy dearest himself, Ego the Living Planet.

"Dense" and "crowded" were used in many reviews to describe the abundance of characters and scenarios throughout the film, but at least Gunn has put paid to the focal group of weirdos audiences fell in love with in the first place.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.