Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Final Trailer Breakdown: 28 Things You Must See

1. Daddy Is Home

Kurt RUssell Guardians Of The Galaxy VOl 2
Marvel Studios

Anyone else got a nagging suspicion that Ego actually ISN'T the father, Maury Povich style? It's too convenient, too valuable a spoiler to actually spoil. Still, nice to see him finally, looking as debonair as he ever has.

Quill's reaction, on the other hand, says a lot...

Star Lord
Marvel Studios

That couldn't look more like confirmation that Star Lord doesn't actually come looking for Ego - the discovery is purely accidental (and possibly even engineered by Ego, given that the Milano appears to crash on his planet.)

Whatever happens in this movie, the end really, REALLY has to include Ego giving Peter the romantic mix-tape his mother gave him when they were together. How else do we get Awesome Mix Vol 3?!

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