Halle Berry begging for an X-Men 4

xmen_s_halle.jpgWhy am I not suprised by this? Halle Berry is begging comic book fans everywhere to campaign for a fourth X-Men movie by writing to head of the 20th Century Fox Studio, Tom Rothman. Speaking at the People's Choice Awards, she said this.... "I want to thank Tom Rothman for allowing me to play Storm, and Brett Ratner for allowing Storm to finally use her cape and fly this year... ...I have something to ask you guys. You guys really love X-Men? Ok, here's what you have to do. Write letters. If every one of you in this building who love X-Men and want to see X-Men 4, write a letter to Tom Rothman at Fox, and tell him so. And you will get another one, and I'll be there too." Of course she wants another X-Men movie. Her career is in the shits right now, and they pay her an astronomical amount of money to have a stupid new haircut and make her out to be one of the leaders of the frikkin' X-Men. Halle Berry as Storm SUCKS! We don't want her in any other X-Men movies, can somebody please kill her off or something. As far as an X-Men 4 goes, I've said it all along it will happen. X-Men 3 made too much money for it not too. Personally, I'm hoping for a Wolverine prequel (which is pretty much confirmed) and an X-Men 4 movie, which has a few less characters and tons more story and development. Bring a new villain into the mix (DON'T USE MAGNETO!!) and keep Wolverine out of it so we can focus on the other X-Men. To write or E-Mail Tim Rothman... 20th Century Fox Theatricals ATTN: Tom Rothman (X-Men 4) P.O. Box 900 Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0900 foxmovies@fox.com By all means, beg for an X-Men 4, but please add the note - "WE DON'T WANT HALLE BERRY IN IT". source - filmstalker, comic book movie

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.