Halloween: Michael Myers' 10 Most Insane Kills

1. Laurie Strode: Halloween Resurrection

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHs6F6W1Vgk Finally, after twenty long years, Michael succeeds in killing his sister who has eluded him for so long. After the events of the previous movie, it turns out Laurie actually beheaded a paramedic: Michael had swapped places with him and crushed his lyrax, rendering him unable to speak out. Since then, she has spent the last three years in a psychiatric hospital. Instead of taking her medication though, she has been stashing them inside the mattress- all the while preparing herself for the inevitable showdown with her brother. When Michael finally appears, Laurie lures him into a trap, which leaves him dangling from the roof of the hospital. Understandably, she second guesses herself, this time wanting to make sure that it is really him under the mask. Michael takes advantage of this hesitation and stabs her in the back. She utters her last words to him - "I'll see you in Hell" - before falling to her death. Finally after twenty years, he has finally done what he had set out to do all them years ago, basically leaving the audience in a state of shock. Are there any other insane Michael Myers kills that we've missed? Leave a comment below.
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Daniel McMurtry is a video game and film enthusiast from Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is currently studying media at college and also dabbles in film making. You can follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/DanielMcMurtry