Harrison Ford wouldn't mind revisiting Jack Ryan

Ford enjoying his return to the spotlight and is interested in reprising another of his famous roles.

Last we heard, Sam Raimi had been chosen as the new figurehead of the Jack Ryan series of Tom Clancy novels which has so far seen four movies made in 15 years, and 3 different actors playing the C.I.A. agent, those being Harrison Ford, Alec Baldwin and Ben Affleck. It's expected that Raimi will move into work on the series late Summer when he is fully completed with his upcoming horror movie Drag Me to Hell and Paramount want the film due out in the Summer of 2010.

Now I can almost guarantee you that Paramount are desperate to get Harrison Ford back as Jack Ryan and doing it right now when his name is hot again. Ford reveals his interest to The Sun...
"That's a character that I think you could revisit acknowledging the passage of time and his increasing age. It wasn't age dependent; that character and his experiences were chockablock full of recipes for good engaging movies, so that's a character I wouldn't mind revisiting."
Now I'm much happier to see Ford return as Ryan than I was Indy because as he says, it's not fully dependent on a young guy. However I have to say, I thought Ben Affleck did a good job in The Sum of All Fears and I would really like to see him given the ball to run with this character once again, especially now that Sam Raimi is on board. But if Ford wants to do it, I can't see Paramount saying no. One character Ford most certainly won't be returning - even if George Lucas waves the cash at him is Han Solo...
"Oh, Han Solo isn€™t interesting to me. It€™s a very narrow sort of utility in the story and it was great for my career and it was fun to play at the time but I wouldn€™t go back there again. Those pants!€
source - moviehole

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.