Harry Potter: 10 Movie Scenes That Are Completely Different In The Books

7. The Hungarian Horntail (The Goblet Of Fire)

Goblet Of Fire Angry Dumbledore
Warner Bros.

In The Book: Harry uses all his wit and flying ability to round a chained-up dragon.

In The Film: A huge action set-piece, as the Horntail breaks its chain and chases Harry through the grounds of Hogwarts.

Summary: This one's tough, because both versions are about as strong as they could have been. The book, rather than describing a Hogwarts-wide dragon chase which would never have matched up to the film version, focuses more on Harry's talents as a flyer, and he beats the Horntail in a battle of wits, drawing it away from its egg. I'm giving this one to the film though, for its mad stunts and CGI dragons, and also for using the opportunity to showcase the Hogwarts grounds.


Writer, serial binge-watcher, Mother of Dragons. Completed Netflix.