Harry Potter: 10 Things That Happened After The Movies
7. The Ministry Of Magic Abolished Dementor Use

Feeding on human happiness and capable of extracting the soul from their victims, the Dementors are like something straight out of a horror movie.
Having them serve as guards at the notorious wizarding prison Azkaban was asking for trouble but, after the release of the final Harry Potter movie, JK Rowling confirmed that the grim reaper lookalikes have since been given the boot.
The author revealed the Dementors symbolised corruption at the Ministry of Magic, which was less of an issue after the Death Eaters lost the Battle of Hogwarts.
The creatures' numbers also thinned in the wizarding world. They live off grief and despair - things there was less of after Lord Voldermort was vanquished.
Wouldn't you hate to be the Ministry of Magic employee who drew the short straw when they were deciding whose job it would be to serve the Dementors their P45s?