Harry Potter: 12 Most Powerful Witches Ever

3. Lily Potter

Hermione Granger Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Lily Potter was a Muggle-born witch who integrated into the wizarding world remarkably well whilst at Hogwarts. According to Professor Slughorn, Lily was a fantastic potion brewer, and given she was made Head Girl in her final year, it’s fair to assume she had a similar aptitude for other subjects as well.

But she performed her greatest feat after she left Hogwarts. Having been told where to find the Potters by the traitor Peter Pettigrew, Voldemort journeyed to Godric’s Hollow with the intention of killing Harry. Though Lily and James were tragically killed, Voldemort was unable to kill their son.

By sacrificing herself to save Harry, Lily created a powerful counter-charm that caused Voldemort’s Killing Curse to rebound when he attempted to murder her son. Indeed, her magical protection was so powerful she would have killed Voldemort if it wasn't for his many Horcruxes.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.