Harry Potter: 12 Most Powerful Witches Ever

5. Olympe Maxime

Hermione Granger Harry Potter
Warner Bros

Olympe Maxime only physically appeared in one Harry Potter story. During Harry’s fourth year, she spent her time doting over Fleur Delacour, and as such, she didn’t come across as a particularly powerful witch.

However, in a chapter entitled ‘Hagrid’s Tale’ in The Order of the Phoenix, her magical talent was finally revealed. Despite the fact that giants are more resistant to magic than humans, Olympe was able to tackle several of these monstrous creatures using her advanced skills. Indeed, Hagrid said she did things with a wand he had ‘never seen before.’

Unfortunately, this is the only time her magical powers are demonstrated in either the books or the movies. But based on Hagrid’s description, she was an incredibly gifted witch who you wouldn't want to cross.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.