Harry Potter: 15 WORST Plot-Holes In Wizarding World Movies

10. How Can Moody See Through The Cloak?

Mad Eye Moody
Warner Bros.

When we meet Mad Eye Moody, it's established immediately that his magical eye can see through anything, including magical enchantments, even when it's worn by someone who is only impersonating Moody. It's so powerful, in fact, that it can see through the invisibility cloak that Harry wears at various times during the stories.

But how could that be possible? As a Deathly Hallow, the cloak is said to grant the user "true invisibility," which wouldn't exactly ring true if it was seen through with a simple, wizard-made eye. So how can Moody see Harry beneath it?

The only possible explanation is either that the charms on the eye are stronger or that the cloak's legend is incorrect, but in either case, this SHOULD have been established in the texts or the films. In the latter case, it would be way too reductive to the Deathly Hallows mythology and if the former, it should have been shown to explain just how powerful Dumbledore was (since it could be only him who made the eye with knowledge of the cloak).


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